Product novelty 15. September 2023

TRiMiTi´s Package Control

Package content control or also known as commissioning assistant ensures that the right components are packed in the right packaging box in the required orientation. It focuses on solving the problems in the process of packaging which can possess inherent complexities, primarily stemming from the challenge of verifying the correctness of the operation once the package is sealed.

Even when robust quality controls are in place, human errors can manifest in repetitive packaging procedures. For suppliers, ensuring precise item placement within each package is of utmost importance. This is where the TRiMiTis Package Control system assumes its pivotal role.

TRiMiTi, our cutting-edge AI-driven software, employs an array of cameras and digital sensors to meticulously monitor the contents and sequencing during the packaging process. Remarkably, it possesses the capability to identify various types of items, thereby preventing any potential mix-ups or errors during packaging.

During our presentation at Motek, we will illustrate the effectiveness of TRiMiTi through the examination of two distinct packaging scenarios. This demonstration will offer you a comprehensive understanding of how TRiMiTi seamlessly integrates into various applications to optimize packaging processes.